Garden Addicted
Fabulous tutorial! That ginger cake roll with the apple bits looks so delicious!(Continued)
11. After confirming that the edge is in the bottom, you can use a ruler or dough cutter/scraper to tighten the roll as a rounder shape. You may need to find a video to see it clearly. View attachment 63722
12. Close both ends and sent it to the fridge for one hour to set.View attachment 63723
After it's set, you can cut both ends for a tidier final presentation (and enjoy it first).
View attachment 63724
13. If the surface is not perfect, you can use any kind of icing, cream, or sugar/cacao powder to decorate it.
View attachment 63725
That's it. The rest needs practices, observations, and adjustments. It's not too far from gardening - those ingredients are seeds, and with the help of tools, temperature, and time, they 'grow' into a cake. Sometimes, the harvest is surprisingly wonderful, and sometimes, we learn what to improve in the next runs.
My two rolls today - most of them are either already shared with neighbors, or ready to be shared with DH's colleagues and my FIL tomorrow.
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View attachment 63727
Simple or sophisticated, all good
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