Looking good! Did you plant different kinds of corn, or did you plant at different times? I just love the way squash tries to take over the world! Enjoy!
The tallllllll corn is my indian corn that DH was so freaked out about cross-pollinating his sweet corn (the short stuff on the end) but they tasseled at different times so no worries there. HIS corn was planted at 2 different times, the short short stuff was planted first and the taller stuff 3 weeks after that. The low end of the garden compacted so badly that his corn and my watermelons on that end are doing very poorly. Good thing we're going with a 3rd garden space next year cause I need a space reserved soley for viney things! My pumpkins are EVERYWHERE and seem to not notice the middle bondary line in the garden because now they are in my zuchinni's side too!
All my plants died. It was just so dry (had to water twice a day) and my soil (if you can call it that) is terrible. Oh well, that's what next year is for.