pickle problem


Deeply Rooted
Apr 29, 2009
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Georgia Bound
My mom always made mushy pickles and mine started out that way too.

1. I have used a lot of the same things listed above. I really like lime although it is a lot of rinsing.

2. Always use fresh cucumbers and keep them cool.

3.I did use a recipe that called for soaking them in salt last year and it did work really well.

I have a ton of pickle recipes but I am not going to post all of them. I copied a bunch off a web site last year and haven't tried them all. PM me if you want some more. Anyway the first one calls for you to process for 5 minutes. I won't process anymore than that because I think that cooking the pickles makes them mushy as well. Also, I boil my jars, then I put them into a 200 degree oven to keep them hot and only take them out to fill them. I put the pickles in cold and then add hot brine. Straight into the water bath and out in 5 minutes.

The first one is awesome I used it last year. The second I haven't tried yet but thought I would post because of the recommendation to use grape leaves.

Kosher Dill Pickles

1 clove garlic
mustard seed
1 stalk dill
3 c. water
3 c. vinegar
6 Tbsp. salt
Pour over pickles. Process 5 minutes in boiling water bath.
Recipe from a South Dakota recipebook

(I use equal parts of dill seed and mustard seed per jar and I add 1 clove per jar also although if you aren't a big garlic fan then add 1 clove to brine and remove before pickling.)

Delicious Dills
No friends like the old, tried and true
Green grape leaves
Cucumbers, 4 to 5" long
8 heads and stems of dill
2 tsp. ground horseradish
2 tsp. mustard seed
2 large onion slices (or 2 cloves garlic)
5 c. water
1/2 c. vinegar
1/3 c. salt

Line bottoms of 2 qt. (or 4 pint) jars with grape leaves. Halve cucumbers lengthwise, then use to fill jars. To each jar, add half of dill, horseradish, mustard seed and onion slices.
Boil water, vinegar and salt together. Pour hot over cucumbers in jars; seal at once. Do not open for at least 2 weeks so flavor has a chance to develop. Makes 2 quarts or 4 pints.
Recipe from a 1959 Farm Journal Country Cookbook


Chillin' In The Garden
May 5, 2009
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Let me tell you what not to do. Do not forget you are processing your pickle jars and let them boil for 20 minutes... this does not produce crips pickles. :rolleyes:


Chillin' In The Garden
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
I am sooo excited!!! This info is so appreciated!!! I looked for some good seed today, but wasn't sure what to get as far as a pickling cucumber. None of them called it that. So...I will look on line tomorrow.



Deeply Rooted
May 31, 2009
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Central Missouri
This is from a post I did last year:
I can remember my mom using the brine and crock method years ago..best pickles ever..wish she had left her "how to "
behind for me
I have an extremely easy way to make modern day dills tho.

I gather my pickles before they can get over thumb length..
if I dont get enough the first day, I use a brown paper bag(never plastic) to store them in crisper tray until I feel I have enough to be worth canning.

make a brine of 1 quart good quality 5% acid white vinegar,3 quarts of water, and 1 cup PICKLING salt. I use porcelean or stainless steal pots and a wooden spoon to work with this, as I wont want any adverse reactions from aluminum pots etc.
Over to another burner, fill a LARGE tall pan full of water about 3/4 full and start it to boil;
while you are waiting for the brine and other pot of water to boil, scrub those little cukes, and cut off the blossom end(that end will spoil them if left on. pack them in hot clean jars, have a fresh head of dill in the bottom,or if unavailable-use purchased , also I add at least a teaspoon (less if you dont like spicyor optional) of cracked peppercorns, a clove of garlic if you like garlic dills(garlic also optional) then pour the boiling vinegar mixture over, to about 1/2 " head space, wipe rim well, and place a canning flat and tightened band on, when you have several like that, you lower them into the other pot of boiling water, and give a 7 minute (for quarts or 5 minute for pints) water bath, use your jar lifter to lower or raise,that is the worst part of this project.. sit aside out of any breeze from fan...and you will hear those lids seal as they cool. I always wait 3 weeks to a month to start eating them, and think they are great to save for winter, they are great by 3 months.
If you had to hold them for several days before getting enought, I would add a bit of alum into the scrub water, and soak them then rinse before proceeding. hope you find this useful.

Last edited by 4grandbabies
I did not put this last year, but I also add mustard seed..maybe 1/4 te
This recipe holds up after canning I have never been disappointed with it.


Deeply Rooted
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Georgia Bound
WOW, guess what happened to me yesterday. I got a pickling crock on ebay for $1.04 plus s/h. I have been bidding on several and they have all gone for a lot of money. Yesterday I just got lucky because I was only the 2d bidder for the crock. I start my cucumber seeds on Friday so technically the pickling season has started. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone have any good pickling recipes (not the quick process ones) that use a pickling crock?:weee


Chillin' In The Garden
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Western Colorado
My MIL makes the BEST pickles I've ever had, it was truely a sad day when we ran out and had to buy some.
Anyway she says the trick is soaking your pickling cukes in ICE water over night. Keep them in there until the last minute.
Using the Ball blue book recipe she adds the spices to the bottom of the jar, her fresh dill... THEN the iced pickle cukes followed by the viniger. Tighten the lid fast and process.
Crisp as can be!
Oh now all this talk makes me want a peanut butter and dill pickle sandwhich mmmmmm.

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