Pics of a Bee Swarm


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
I saw a $100 bill fly away last summer...


It was shortly after my second daughter was born. From the time I noticed them in my apple tree (and desperately called around and tried to get a baby sitter on the fly), it was maybe 15 minutes and they took off before I could get them!

I'm so glad you got yours!

A little ways down the road from me is an apiary that was abandoned when the old beekeeper died. His widow won't do anything with the bees and does not want to get rid of them since they meant so much to her husband. I guess I can understand that...but in the meantime, they send out several swarms each summer and I suspect the one I saw was from there.

You guys sound a lot like my DH and me. :) I am the finesse and he is the muscle. I have done all the studying up on them and I do the working of them--he lifts the heavies for me and hates to get stung. But it's a partnership that has worked well for us. I have had trouble keeping up with my bees since the baby, so I really wish he was able to work them on his own.

My one hive has made it through the winter will little help from me. One of the most experienced ladies in my bee club lost many hives this past winter. It baffles me that mine survived, but maybe it's because I didn't rob them last year. I wasn't able to make any splits this spring and noticed two days ago a very agitated buzzing coming from the hive. I expect they will swarm any time now. I have thought about giving them away, since I haven't been able to care for them properly.

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