Garden Ornament
My parents have 2 worm bins. First pic is the outside of one. The other pics are of the various layers that the worms move through.
It's called the Worm Factory. They like to be in the dark and damp at about 65F to 70F.karanleaf said:Wow that is wonderfulI really want to have a worm bin.
What kind is that one or where can you find it?
The worms move up away from their waste (poop) and onto the next tray of food.Catalina, how do I know when to add another tray - I'm only on my first!
You can just use shredded paper. My parents have never used coir fiber. My mom gets bags and bags of shredded paper from work and full newspaper sheets work well on top to hold in moisture and block light.Southern Gardener said:Do I have to use the coir fiber in the next tray for them to move up or can I just shred some newspaper and put food on the top? I don't have another brick and really don't want to order and pay for shipping if I can use something else!