The real trick to having bunnies is how do you stop at just one or two?
I swear I want to bring every bunny home I see! I don't for fear of what my two boys would do; if they hurt another bunny I would be a mess.
So instead I let these guys remain as they are, enjoy them, and one day when they have moved on to the Rainbow Bridge, I will have space to provide some very lucky little bunnies! :bun :bun
I have two female bunnies that have finally learned to get along. They have a burrow under the chicken's coop and I'm sure there are holes all the way to the center of the earth! They have full run of the yard (1 acre) during the day until it is dark. Then they have to be closed in into their run for safe keeping.
We have a livestock gurdian dog that sits outside and protects everyone while they free range, so we can rest assured. I'll take photos and post in a bit.
Thanks for the link Greensage, I can't wait to check it out! We love our pet bunnies sooo much!!
Now those sound like some Happy girl bunnies BBH. I would love to let my out and about, but every time they refuse to go back until they are good and ready!:bun
How do you get them out of the hole if they do not want to?
I think that they run to their burrow when they feel threatened or chased. Their burrow is under the coop and can be closed with a door.
Every evening after the chickens have taken themselves to bed, we have to round up the rabbits (who would prefer to stay out all night along with the Rouen ducks). We just act like we are going to catch them and they immediately run for their burrow. Simple. The trick is to do it before it gets too dark down there to see them.
They were in their run for at least 6 months before we decided to let them have full run of our yard. While there, they established a nice burrow system underground. Now I think they will always consider it their safe zone when they feel threatened.