pictures because i need something positive about right now


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
heh, my dog Ein (short for Einstein), learned by osmosis, or maybe that was by eating most of the covers and spines off my books his first year with us. :/ found out he has separation anxiety, so any time we leave him for longer than 10 minutes and forget to give him a distraction/treat/toy he finds his own distraction to bide his time without us.
this was what my dh came home to one day after buying a new big bag of kitty litter. he got into the cabinet we had stored our unused trash bags in. i think he was trying to clean up the mess before we got home but my dh thinks otherwise.

Ein trying to get into a little mischief with a very young Chickie (now over 4 years old). he's trying to enjoy the bag of dried mealworms i'm trying to give to Chickie at the same time. Ein is also the FBI (food and butt inspector) for my chickens. if there is anything being given to the chickens Ein has to be there to check it out! :rolleyes:

when i got Ein it was a few months before i got the idea of raising chickens. i figured i could train Ein to herd the chickens, but that never really happened. when i started with them he would rather chase and pin them to the ground and lick them when they started running away. :th he's since become good friends with my chickens and will sit in their run watching the passing traffic go by the house. i don't fully trust him alone but he's never harmed an adult bird yet. i still have my suspicions about a chick i had in the house when we got Eddie my young cat. hubby thinks the cat grabbed the chick but Ein may have thought it was a mouse and ate it. :sick

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