Planning Fall/Early Spring garden


Attractive To Bees
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hello! :frow

I am in zone 5b, in southeastern WI. I have been gardening only for a couple years, but with great sucess. However there are some things I haven't planted, and I am confused about. These being:


I believe all of these need to "over winter" am I correct? So for my zone, when should I plant them? I know DH planted carrots early spring last year, and tried to yank them out early fall. Our results were...sad. While going through the garden this spring prepping it for this year, I found a couple leeks left over from last year (which I pulled and were delish!) and a couple carrots that kinda looked like carrots!

So my question being is, Can I plant these late fall after I've ripped out my maters and peppers? And harvest them early spring (say June at the latest) so I can utilize the space again? Or do they need to be planted for a full spring/summer cycle before they can be harvested the next year?

Also, Potatoes. Can someone guide me to a good page about growing them. I really have NO clue how to grow them. I tried reading some threads...but i'm lost.

DH took away my beautiful huge veggie garden, and gave me a small one on the side of the house instead :( Little does he know, I planted my bush cukes in his beloved flower garden :gig


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Raiquee said:
Hello! :frow

I am in zone 5b, in southeastern WI. I have been gardening only for a couple years, but with great sucess. However there are some things I haven't planted, and I am confused about. These being:


I believe all of these need to "over winter" am I correct? So for my zone, when should I plant them? I know DH planted carrots early spring last year, and tried to yank them out early fall. Our results were...sad. While going through the garden this spring prepping it for this year, I found a couple leeks left over from last year (which I pulled and were delish!) and a couple carrots that kinda looked like carrots!

So my question being is, Can I plant these late fall after I've ripped out my maters and peppers? And harvest them early spring (say June at the latest) so I can utilize the space again? Or do they need to be planted for a full spring/summer cycle before they can be harvested the next year?

Also, Potatoes. Can someone guide me to a good page about growing them. I really have NO clue how to grow them. I tried reading some threads...but i'm lost.

DH took away my beautiful huge veggie garden, and gave me a small one on the side of the house instead :( Little does he know, I planted my bush cukes in his beloved flower garden :gig
Those things depend on type! I have seen some carrots that like spring better then fall planting, and vise versa. My last planting (none went well) was supposed to be a 60 day crop of carrots. After 90 I had little runts that were stringy. I think those would have been better off in the fall. I would assume you should plant in the early fall, September, and then put by winter. I was also told you can leave them in the ground over winter in the north and its like 'storage' for the carrots.

Onions/Garlic in the south go in during the fall... where you are, I think you could get them in during the month of March and have onions or garlic the same year. Just look up whether they call for soft neck or hard neck for your area.

As for asparagus, that is an perennial spring crop. So invest in what you want to get year after year and plant in the fall. It will probably take 2 years + until you get to harvest some.... but they are worth every minute and penny!!! :D

ETA: :welcome


Attractive To Bees
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for your response! After posting this, I did find a website of WI growers of garlic, so that I could find out EXACTLY when to plant/pull. Here is the website (to share)

So it seems plant October and harvest in July. Hrm. So are onions the same as garlic then (usually?) as far as plant/harvest time? If so, I can cross those off my "duhhh how to do I grow this?" list. :gig

Asparagus I have some crowns that I got on clearance (8 of them) and I guess my main question is...can I plant them in fall? I probably won't have a crop that spring as you said, but I just want to make sure I don't accidently kill them!

Carrots: I would like a variety that I can "over winter' perferably. I really have limited space and want to utilize my fall/winter crops better than I did last year! Anyone have suggestions for types? I really like the odd ball looking carrots ;) , but if they aren't good to over winter I can do without them!

And thankyou for the welcome :)

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