Abies koreana 'Horstmann's Silberlocke' I think @thistlebloom has one of these. Tall enough without being a big evergreen topping out at 15-20ft it would be fun to decorate. Plus lots of year round appeal.....something to think about.
White pine is used as a Christmas tree commercially and would do well in your clay soil NYboy, but it has to be sheared to keep that shape. It's mature shape is a little more irregular and open. But it could take a long time to grow too big to shear.
Client just gave me a potted christmas tree. Dwarf Alberta Spruce Conica Picea Glauca, I put it in a outside planter in it's pot. If it makes it though winter will plant in yard. label claims deer resistant, mature size 6 to 8 feet tall perfect !
How nice! You just have to watch those DAS when there's a cold dry winter wind, or if the soil gets too dry. Once they have a dead spot they never grow needles back there.