Mine get some sort of winter mix salad....turnip greens, spinach greens, some kind of cruciferous ( not identified yet), all mixed up seed that DH buys somewhere in the area he works.
I also am giving them the turnip greens from thinning. Eventually, they will get some turnips to munch on through the winter months.
That is a good question Marshall. I know that some greens can change the color of the egg yolk if too much is eaten, don't know if some greens make them poop wetter than others though.
marshallsmyth said:
Do some kinds of greens make them poop wetter than other kinds?
Well, my last 2 free ranging birds...the hen got attacked by a hawk yesterday. I guess she was too tempting, since no body else was out there to eat. She survived, thank goodness. But neither she nor her rooster want to go out for a while anymore. They like their chicken tractor.
Thank you nyboy. I have been letting them out between 11 am and 3pm, at which they usually put themselves back up after a couple of hours. This happened about 3pm yesterday afternoon. It gets dark at 5pm here right now.