No, Mary- not a current picture (should have mentioned that!) The snow is gone, but the winds are howling and it is in the 30's! Nothing delicate can safely go into the garden until the end of May...I do have some things poking up in the green house, and inside under lights!
If you've got neighbor kids to worry about, fencing it in is a good idea. Some homeowner's insurance may require extra liability insurance for it, or so I hear. (Mine doesn't, but we're rural.) My hive is inside of a 4-foot tall fenced in area that I put up for my chickens to keep the random stray dogs from killing them. Does double duty keeping the neighbor kids away from the bees. My daughter knows not to mess with them, but you can't count on anyone else's kids being that mindful... Chickens and bees do get along quite nicely. My chickens can scratch right in front of the hive and the bees pay them no attention at all. They must know they are not a threat to them. I suspect the chickens may help keep bug pests away from the hive too.
My great granddaddy used to keep his bee hives in the chicken yard......
I think we have found a good spot in the middle of the apple trees back some from the front of the property on the back side of the goat barn....still will get some wind gusts but it will get full sun by about 8:30-9am. We are going to put ratchet straps on them cause we can get some pretty powerful gusts up here.