Garden Master
What a beautiful garden you have, Ray. Looks like you've put a lot of work into it (but those raised beds will save you so much work in the long run!) I will have to show your picture to my husband. I have one raised bed in my front yard and I'm going to add 3 more this year and I want to space them nicely and mulch in between like you have. I am trying to convince my husband how much nicer this will make that corner of our front yard look. You would think the promise of less mowing would be enough for him...LOL 
Way to go, Boilerman, make those chickens work for their room and board! They'll have that worked up for you in no time and it will be a perfect garden spot. I did that with a batch of 35 meat birds two summers ago, fencing them over 1/4th of my garden plot. They killed all the weeds and fertilized it. Last year that spot produced seventeen 15-20 pound Crimson Sweet watermelons off of only five vines. Yea for Chicken Power!
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to you both!
Way to go, Boilerman, make those chickens work for their room and board! They'll have that worked up for you in no time and it will be a perfect garden spot. I did that with a batch of 35 meat birds two summers ago, fencing them over 1/4th of my garden plot. They killed all the weeds and fertilized it. Last year that spot produced seventeen 15-20 pound Crimson Sweet watermelons off of only five vines. Yea for Chicken Power!
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