Questions to Ponder

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
This is sort of a trivial problem, but here goes. You all know I'm trivial, anyway.
On facebook, a lady I friended then "unfollowed" because she puts silly annoying stuff on there all the time....I found out that this woman has started "gifting" people on their birthday, by posting on facebook a portrait drawn by her. These drawings are gawd-awful, and look like a demented person drew them. Eyes are cockeyed, laugh lines and wrinkles are exaggerated, chins disappear and hair....well....(think light socket). She posts them side by side with a real photo, usually a nice, flattering photo, of the victim...I mean birthday guy/girl. People are probably shocked but their responses are kind, usually just a thank you.

So, of course, my birthday is coming up fairly soon, and I am dreading my surprise portrait from her. I can't believe no one has reamed her out yet. I don't think I will be the one to do so. I may just say something like "Gee, I see you are enjoying your cartoon drawing hobby" or something similar. I know this is petty, but I hesitated putting my pic on there for years. And a month later.....ACK!
What would you do? Grin and bear it?

So, next thing.....If you get a sore throat and cough and chills, would you contact the doctor regarding Covid-19 testing, knowing you can't get the test where you live? Tom Hanks and his wife just announced he tested positive, by the way.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Trivial or just difficult?

Caricatures aren't reality, So Lucky. I remember when you had some problems with your eyes. Maybe this will be a good time to just save your sight for something other than this person and her work.

For some reason the word that comes to mind regarding the personality described is Maladroit. And, for some reason, my spellchecker doesn't know the meaning of the word ... hmmmm, what do you suppose that says about my spellchecker?



Garden Ornament
Jan 31, 2020
Reaction score
Piedmont of SC
It's been a long time since I did much on facebook. But I thought if you "unfollowed" someone, you no longer SAW their posts? So the rest of the world will see her pitiful attempt at your caricature, (unfortunate), at least YOU won't be subjected to it?
Covid 19. IMHO, BS. All forms of the flu are corona virus. This is just a new variety. It's only dangerous to old people (like me) or those with compromised systems. Young healthy people, it's just the flu. A week in bed, with chicken soup, and it's done. The news media is playing it up to gain readership (I guess it's called "clicks" nowadays?). Shock the people into reading the trivia. Lots more people have already died of "just" the flu already this year (in the US) than from Covid 19. Stay in bed. Drink your fluids. Eat your favorite comfort foods. Ingest your favorite home remedies for the flu. And relax. IF you got it, there's no magic cure anyhow. Just be kind and cover your cough.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I would ignore your unfriended friend.

And here's just a little of my opinion about FB that you didn't ask for ;) . I have a FB account because I had to have one to be part of a horse trainers closed FB page where people can ask questions and share solutions. I never post anything and rarely go to his site. But I am plagued with notices of posts that the few people I have "friended" have put up. Ugh. I am not a fan of FB on a good day, and want it to just leave me alone.

Second question, no I wouldn't.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
Did you unfriend her or just unfollow? I'd unfriend right now. Many times the program won't send an alert to the person being unfriended. (mine doesn't cus I have FB Purity on my laptop for FB - cuts alot of the crap out and I get zero ads).

As for Notices, go to settings within each group to turn off notifications.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
The head of the federal office for infectious diseases yesterday said that flu causes 1 death in 1000 and coronavirus causes 1 in 100, before he was called away for an emergency WH meeting.

So do be careful.

One thing to think about is that hospitals are sending patients home for self-isolation. And, hospital and doctors' offices are filled with sick people. With rationing of tests, I suppose that the best thing is to start with a phone call. That, of course, should come before the call is to the paramedics.


so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Can you imagine how many people will call the doc, be told to self quarantine for two weeks, then never get the test? How many will stay home from work, and never know for sure?
I'm not worried for myself. I'm old, but not frail. I do worry about my brother, though, who has a compromised immune system and nearly died from histoplasmosis a few years ago. He called asking if we had any hand sanitizer or ethyl alcohol around my area. None to be found. Hopefully he will be safe.

I don't see the crazy artist's posts, but I think if she posts to my timeline, I will see it. My DH friended her before he realized what a prolific and flowery poster she is. I may unfriend her. It's an option.
Thanks, guys, for listening to me whine.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
Whining is allowed. I don't know what I would have done without FB and the groups that kept me up to date hour by hour of the Butte Fire in the town where I lived. If it wasn't for that specific group, I would have had no idea to stage myself and things and animals, known when to flee and when to cover. For me, FB is an educational tool via the quilt, gardening, wildfire, scanner and local community groups. I don't have many "friends" on there, cus that is not why I'm on FB.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
He called asking if we had any hand sanitizer or ethyl alcohol around my area. None to be found. Hopefully he will be safe.
My hands chap through the winter and I like to use the hand sanitizer if there is nothing that I'd rather to really wash off. The aloe gel stuff that DW buys in large bottles is good but she likes to have it in the car, so we also have little bottles.

Those smaller bottles don't have the aloe in it so when I dumped one in the big bottle to partly replenish it, I wasn't happy. (You know, a split in a finger has a little bit of discomfort when you rub alcohol into it ... may as well get some healing to kinda balance out the pain.) Anyway, we had the aloe gel by itself and some rubbing alcohol. I decided to get some of that gel back in the bottle.

I used this formula suggested by a PhD, microbiologist at George Washington U. I didn't use the essential oil ... do you think that I shoulda? By the way, I know that there is some controversy about how effective this is but, for one thing, I think that it is better than not washing the hands and, besides, I use bath soap to wash my hands. So, how effective is that?

Both DW and I have health problems that a bad infection ... well, let's not dwell on that! Anyway, she likes to shop. This event has been right up her alley. I told her this morning that she shouldn't use this as an excuse to shop every 2 days at a couple of stores to "stock up." The idea is to stay at home, not build reserves to levels where we would be (sorta) self-contained for months! Keep in mind that the freezer is nearly full even at this time of year and we eat quite a lot of rice and pasta. Those are easy to store and we got'em!

Monitoring the seedlings and greenhouse are giving me something to do but ... I think that I'll go watch a movie ;).
