Chillin' In The Garden
Hi, couldn't resist responding, though I just noticed this conversation took place last year, not last weekish, oops. Anyway, re other early greens to add variety to purple orach, how about magenta variegated lambsquarters??? They come up around the same time and more prolifically for me than orach. I weed up (and ate as much as I could) the regular stuff, in favor of my prettier, bigger leaved variety. My third "muskateer" of early spring greens that I don't have to plant anymore, is egyptian walking onion. I chop them up and throw them in hot soup by the ton--it's a green, it's an onion, it's two vegetables in one! Still can't get over it.
I let my mache go to seed, and now I have that from fall into spring, though I wish it would self seed a little earlier to put on more growth for winter, but there's still good eating. My orach is gone before fall, but not my lambsquarter leaves and its seed clusters (stir fried). A brilliant housemate made tons of lambsquarter-radish pesto last fall. Walking onion is one of the last things I eat from the yard into winter (after a summer dormant bulbil setting period)--along with the self seeded mache. For me in z5 Iowa, the 3 muskateers start in March.
Couldn't figure out how to set time zone. I really tried.

Couldn't figure out how to set time zone. I really tried.