Hattie the Hen
Deeply Rooted

You are certainly having a tough year, I just hope that the weather improves soon & you can get out into your garden more. I too find it a calming place & chose to spend my 70th birthday,last Tuesday, alone & working in my garden (much to the amazement of my friends). I needed to be a bit selfish as recent weather here had prevented me from doing certain things & I just wanted to spend time with my chickens & my beautiful old roses. However I met up & celebrated with friend the next day as I had on the Monday......... I am getting to be a proper cranky old lady now.........doing it my way........Quote from Whitewater: " although it's 87' and windy and we're under a tornado watch . . ."

I too have got a few tomatoes on my plants & lots of flowers on my peppers of various kinds -- I even saw a minute pepper forming on one plant.

Today I am putting a few more squash & cucumber seeds in -- we usually have a good long autumn (it's called an "Indian Summer" over here) so I should get a decent crop.
Good luck to you for this difficult time. I hope your brother is recovering well.

:rose Hattie :rose