Deeply Rooted
It is not difficult to put gutters up. You need two ladders (it is really a two-person job, unless you want to further perfect your swearing vocabulary and take about five times as long as it should) and a laser level and a $10 pop-riveter, and beyond that just basic things you already have like a drill and so forth.
To avoid them being taken down by wet snow, make sure the outside edge of the gutter is at or slightly below an imaginary line extended off the roof (or if you don't like imaginary, take a straight stick, slap it on the roof pointed downwards, and make sure the outer edge of the gutters stays below the part of the stick that is sticking out off the edge of the roof, you know?)
Have fun,
To avoid them being taken down by wet snow, make sure the outside edge of the gutter is at or slightly below an imaginary line extended off the roof (or if you don't like imaginary, take a straight stick, slap it on the roof pointed downwards, and make sure the outer edge of the gutters stays below the part of the stick that is sticking out off the edge of the roof, you know?)
Have fun,