Range wars


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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A new survey was done by the neighbors. It shows that they do not own all the land they thought they owned. Not from the deed. Not from any landmarks. Nope, what they thought they owned was what they imagined for the past 16 years. They imagined a shore section of fence was a line fence. Nope! They imagined 8 feet west of the shed was a legal necessity. Nope, not 40 years ago. They imagined what they could see was theirs until they saw us working on it.

They now have the correct survey information and still do not know exactly where their property ends and ours starts. Because of the landscape,attempting a visual estimate of the boundary lines has always been next to impossible, but they know they are right and a survey they paid for isn't going to change their minds. They thought it was theirs for 16 years so it must be. Their attorney is simply going on the information given to him. That's his job. Once we get together I suspect there will be a speedy solution, but right now, anything I try to say to their attorney is suspect.

Fortunately, I do have records.
They must be inbreds. To go to court when THEIR survey says they don't own it is DUMB!

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I can understand their original misunderstanding -- sort of. Since they had never discussed the boundaries with us, they were free to imagine whatever they could and no way to know they were wrong.

When I first knew there might be a problem, I went over to try to clear it up. Why they hadn't tried themselves is beyond me, but I've always believed in going right to the source of a problem before any other action.

Not only can't they understand where their land sits AFTER THEIR SURVEY, they have bad-mouthed us in the community as land-thieves and liars. If I were that sort, I'd be contemplating slander and libel suits.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I think I will sleep well tonight. I finished and delivered my Interrogative questions to the neighbors' attorney on Friday. Just now I finished printing my answers to their questions, and got all the documents arranged -- all three days early!

I have to deliver my responses to their attorney's offices on or before 5:00 p.m. on the seventh. I figure if I show up just before 5:00 I will meet the requirements of the law and spoil someone's dinner plans.

Fingers crossed that the attorney -- finally seeing my evidence and records -- will suggest his clients to drop their case. They have one witness, I have the original owner and plenty of documents affirming my ownership. I have all my records, deeds, surveys, photos, etc while all they have is what they thought we all thought was their land and what they thought we all thought was our land. All in their head, nothing on paper to support whatever they told the attorney. And soon the attorney will hear . . . . the rest of the story.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
I think I will sleep well tonight. I finished and delivered my Interrogative questions to the neighbors' attorney on Friday. Just now I finished printing my answers to their questions, and got all the documents arranged -- all three days early!

I have to deliver my responses to their attorney's offices on or before 5:00 p.m. on the seventh. I figure if I show up just before 5:00 I will meet the requirements of the law and spoil someone's dinner plans.

Fingers crossed that the attorney -- finally seeing my evidence and records -- will suggest his clients to drop their case. They have one witness, I have the original owner and plenty of documents affirming my ownership. I have all my records, deeds, surveys, photos, etc while all they have is what they thought we all thought was their land and what they thought we all thought was our land. All in their head, nothing on paper to support whatever they told the attorney. And soon the attorney will hear . . . . the rest of the story.
If this attorney is ethical , he would advise his client to drop the suit. If he is the ambulance chasing money grabbber type, expect him to milk this case for all it's worth. :he :th

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Lest I rustle someone else's thread, I decided to explain my "pet project" in a new rambling thread.
Forty years ago . . .

We had our first "Court Date" with the judge on Tuesday. Before that I had another discussion with the first neighbors so I could develop a time line of our use of the disputed land. The past two days, I've spent hours going through 40 years of tax records seeking proof to back the time line.

I am almost certain that we will prevail in the end. There is no 20 year period without proof of our activity in the disputed property. Another news flash! I awoke on Wednesday morning with the realization that, since we file farm income and expenses on our taxes, the money we spend for an attorney will be totally deductible -- if the judge doesn't have the neighbors reimburse us for our costs.

So, next Wednesday we will take all our proof to the lawyer we've already been in contact with during this period. With most of the work done for him, I expect the charges will be far less than the $8,000 to $10,000 he first quoted. The whole ordeal should be over in about 2 months according to the judge hearing our case.

I know the attorney won't address my main concern -- this has never been about the land for me -- that my dear spouse was publicly called a liar, cheat, thief, land grabber and law-breaker. The lawyer will correctly focus on the evidence and skip the lies the neighbors told friends and community members; lies that they denied saying under oath in their responses.

Now I'm thinking. . . . some sort of BURMA SHAVE signs along the road in front for neighbors and their friends that give the Court decision proving the neighbors were wrong.

Guess I am stilled a tad riled.
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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
@Smart Red I really do like your Burma Shave sign idea. That is just marvelous! Maybe we could even help you with some ideas.....

found the original Burma Shave jingles....


Some neighbors are bad
Most neighbors are good
The one next door
Is the worst in the neighborhood!

Land grabbing neighbors
Do me no favors
They hauled me to court
Where they came up short