What do I do about a rat in my garden? He is eating my tomatoes before I can pick them.
I suppose I can set a trap but I am just really creeped out! UGH!
I have shared quite a bit of produce with some local field rats/mice. They especially like the tomatoes. Luckily, I had enough to share, but still... grrrrrr.
He (or they, I guess) also worked on my onions so badly that ended up picking them early and just having small onions. We planted some watermelon after that and he chawed on all the watermelon rinds, too.
Since my garden is dying back, I'm not really doing a whole lot to get rid of the rats at the moment. And I don't think I will plant a fall garden, just because pretty soon, it is going to start being dark when I get home from work.
Anyway, about the problem. I found that when I put a trail of cayenne pepper around the bed, I didn't lose any tomatoes that I could tell. However, this is something that would have to be reapplied often. I did not want to set a trap because I was afraid one of my dogs would have been injured.
I did find a link so some rat repellent that looks intriguing.