Garden Master
R U nuts??????? Milk her 2X a day, every day, for the rest of your life???? I married my wife, not going to be married to an dang old stinky cow! No thank you, I will GLADLY pay whatever the price for dairy products.
(turn on sarcasm meter as you read but I am serious as heart attack on no milking cows, goats, sheep...... For me).
See below...there are ways to make a dairy cow pay, not just in milk, butter and cheese, but also in beef. And you don't have to be chained to them for life...just for a season. I only milked mine in the morning, then let the calves have her the rest of the day, penned them up at night, repeated the next day.
View attachment 7033 "married the cow" hahahaha
I've been doing a LOT or 'research' - since I am starting from ZERO cow-care knowledge.
Did you know that you can 'share' with the calf and only milk when you want to?
Or that there are 2 different kinds of milk? And that A2 milk can be consumed by people who are lactose intollerant?
I've still got a lot to learn... But I'm getting excited to get something in the barn & pastures again.
You can even get a few bottle beef calves at the auction or if you know a local beef farmer who doesn't want to fool with bum calves and place them on your dairy cow. It's a quick and cheap way to get into beef if you have the land and the want for it.
This is a good way to keep the milk flowing to capacity and still have some for the family....just pen the calves in the evening and let that milk build up all night, take what you want in the morning and let the calves have her for most of the day. They get what they need, you get what you can handle and you also get a nice beef or two. It also works well if you breed her to a beef bull and can use her calf for eating as well.
Thursdays local paper just had a story about a local dairy farm that has ceased operations after 100 years.
It has been operated as a farm, by the same family since the mid 1800's and as a dairy farm since early 1900's.
The last 30 to 35 years 4 of the family brothers, ranging in age from mid 50's to mid 60's, have run the operation.
Some time last month the trucks pulled up and the cows went off to auction.
All 4 brothers had children but none of them wanted to to work that hard!!!
That's a shame but it's what the whole world is coming work is a dirty word or something. It's not like they have to milk them by hand any longer...imagine if they had to do that? Well, that would be like getting a public beating every day, it would!
If I was going to choose a "milky" breed of beef cattle, I'd choose the Canadian Speckled Park..they have shorthorn genes in them....not only are they incredibly beautiful with a good carcass, but I've seen the bag on some of these girls and they are HUGE. A milky beef cow is a huge plus on a homestead when one doesn't want too much milk to handle and still wants beef for eating.