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- #31
Been rooting for you @secuono !
Definitely not!Been rooting for you @secuono !
Throw any yellow cucumbers to your critters. When I had about 40 cucumber plants many years ago I missed a LOT of them. They were HUGE! and I threw them over the fence for the ponies to eat.
Last year I did a "right before the freeze" cucumber harvest and discovered that the small ones pickle Really well and were also tender and sweet to snack on.
You CERTAINLY have a much bigger 2024 harvest than ME!!
Fall?Keep harvesting, but, Replant RIGHT NOW! They only take 50-75 days to set fruit, sometimes earlier. Cucumbers are Recommended as a Fall crop.
You could also go out in the morning and knock them off into a bucket of soapy water, and prevent Some from breeding.
I have not really had any issue with them, but I always plant lots of seeds, close together.
You get all sorts of advice for growing crops...figure out what solutions work for YOU in your garden.
No. Have too many pickles already.I have been studying/practicing Fall gardening bc my season is shorter than yours, but our Spring vegetables usually bolt before you can really harvest them, less likely in the Fall.
You have time to plant a 2nd cucumber batch and harvest THIS YEAR.
Worth looking into...