I kill thistles, around here, with distilled white vinegar. It's faster and does a much better job, to me, than Roundup.lupinfarm said:Sigh, unfortunately its the only thing that will kill our gi-freaking-gantic thistles and the stinging nettles that sometimes come out of the cracks between stone in the cellar stairs (which are outside).
We don't use it on our vegetable garden though!
boggybranch said:I kill thistles, around here, with distilled white vinegar. It's faster and does a much better job, to me, than Roundup.lupinfarm said:Sigh, unfortunately its the only thing that will kill our gi-freaking-gantic thistles and the stinging nettles that sometimes come out of the cracks between stone in the cellar stairs (which are outside).
We don't use it on our vegetable garden though!
Hahahahaha....gotta treat em while they're plants.....before they become trees. LOLlupinfarm said:boggybranch said:I kill thistles, around here, with distilled white vinegar. It's faster and does a much better job, to me, than Roundup.lupinfarm said:Sigh, unfortunately its the only thing that will kill our gi-freaking-gantic thistles and the stinging nettles that sometimes come out of the cracks between stone in the cellar stairs (which are outside).
We don't use it on our vegetable garden though!It didn't work...I swear! They were like 10ft tall and had TRUNKS not stems. They're gone now LOL, thank heavens... we had about 40ft of them.
boggybranch said:Hahahahaha....gotta treat em while they're plants.....before they become trees. LOLlupinfarm said:boggybranch said:I kill thistles, around here, with distilled white vinegar. It's faster and does a much better job, to me, than Roundup.It didn't work...I swear! They were like 10ft tall and had TRUNKS not stems. They're gone now LOL, thank heavens... we had about 40ft of them.