Garden Addicted
Yesterday I made a salad from my lettuces and I added a few edible flowers. My violets are blooming nicely. It was the best smelling salad!!
The chickens are doing well. I am hoping to have eggs maybe by the end of next month.simple life said:That looks so pretty! I can't believe you are able to still grow stuff and we are under all this snow. I am so jealous.
How are your chickens doing? I love your little coop.
I have tried to "candy" my violets and johnny Jump Ups.. I think there must be a trick to it that I am not aware of... The sugar seems too thick or maybe I need a super fine sugar, or less egg white on the petals. Once and a while I get a very nice looking one. Maybe I just need more practice to get the ratio of egg whilte to sugar.Hencackle said:Very pretty! It's still too early for my violets to bloom.
Have you tried candying your violets? My mother & I have used those to decorate cakes.
The white flowers are Alyssum. They smell like honey and have a very mild said:Oh my goodness--that is so beautiful!!! What are the white flowers? There is nothing so beautiful as fresh garden produce!