Garden Master
We live in societies built around capital. $ £ $ £
If there is a better choice, I don't know what it is. I'm not saying that capitalism is the best we can do but I plead ignorance on even a glimmering of a better choice.
One problem is that some folks view government and law enforcement as defeated before it begins.
Another problem is that people are careless with information and with $ £ $ £. Give a scammer an inch and they will take a mile ... or, something like that. Let's look at the (personal) money side of it. I have a credit card from a major company. Our agreement is that I don't pay for anything but my purchases. A couple of years ago, someone used my credit information on that card to buy kitchen cabinets, etc. They had Walmart deliver them to Charleston, South Carolina
. I don't know anyone in Charleston and have never even visited the city. My guess is that they might even have been put on a boat and shipped out of the country.
The credit card company was frantically trying to contact me for over an hour - using email, home phone, and finally texting me on the cell phone. That worked - I told them NO, I didn't order anything from Walmart and certainly not kitchen furnishings and asking to have them shipped to South Carolina. Neither did I have any idea how they had my number and name.
Somebody is likely to have paid for all of this. Even if the shipment was stopped, it tied up some credit card employees and would have cost Walmart. Their time is $ £ $ £. I paid nothing (but, didn't have that card to use until a new one arrived).
Passing these costs along only works so well for the corporations.
If there is a better choice, I don't know what it is. I'm not saying that capitalism is the best we can do but I plead ignorance on even a glimmering of a better choice.
One problem is that some folks view government and law enforcement as defeated before it begins.
Another problem is that people are careless with information and with $ £ $ £. Give a scammer an inch and they will take a mile ... or, something like that. Let's look at the (personal) money side of it. I have a credit card from a major company. Our agreement is that I don't pay for anything but my purchases. A couple of years ago, someone used my credit information on that card to buy kitchen cabinets, etc. They had Walmart deliver them to Charleston, South Carolina
The credit card company was frantically trying to contact me for over an hour - using email, home phone, and finally texting me on the cell phone. That worked - I told them NO, I didn't order anything from Walmart and certainly not kitchen furnishings and asking to have them shipped to South Carolina. Neither did I have any idea how they had my number and name.
Somebody is likely to have paid for all of this. Even if the shipment was stopped, it tied up some credit card employees and would have cost Walmart. Their time is $ £ $ £. I paid nothing (but, didn't have that card to use until a new one arrived).
Passing these costs along only works so well for the corporations.