Scoop the Poop


Garden Addicted
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
Fairfield, ME zone 3/4
Mom will be 91 in March. She is still able to get around pretty good, good enough that I can't put her in a warehouse for the elderly. But when she broke her pelvis a year ago and I was on call 24-7, day and night, I realized then that if she gets down, I will have to throw in the towel. Weeks of no rest, waiting on her hand and foot made me see what my limitations are. I truly hope that some morning she just doesn't wake up, so that I never have to put her in a nursing home.
Good luck with your mom, baymule! I can relate to your thoughts about the nursing home. DH's dad is 93, living alone, with outside help a few days a week. Sometimes I don't think he should be living there alone, -he is teetering on the edge of needing a nursing home. I keep hoping he will die at home, where he wants to stay.

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