Detlor Poultry
Attractive To Bees
Have you ever noticed how Shower temperatures always seem to want to anger you? Like this morning, as I hopped into the shower, it was bone-numbingly cold. And so I turned the heat up. Now, try to get the picture here. Put yourself in my shoes. You're a 52yr. old man, nude, doing temperature-forced aerobics in a bathtub at 5:30 am. After about ten minutes of screaming like a little girl and jumping higher than I have in 15 years, I turned the heat all the way on and got out to let it warm up. Finally it warmed up, and I got back in to enjoy 41.9 seconds of nice warm water before it began scalding me. I also spent most of the day in the garden. I found out that what ever shower systems are made of, doesn't smell good torn to shards and burnt in a wood stove.