Garden Master
There has been a LOT of discussion about this over in BYC.
The final opinion that I came away with is that regular old grocery store ACV has enough benefits to make it plenty valuable. Some even say that the 'mother' doesn't actually provide anything other than the ability to make your own ACVw/mother.
I had my chicks on grocery store brand from about week 2 until somewhere around 8months old. I ran out and didn't pick anymore up - next thing I knew I had smelly, gunky chicken butts and DIRTY eggs. A week or so back on ACV and yogurt/oatmeal and they were back to normal. I now keep a 1/2 gal tucked in behind the feed can so I don't have an excuse to fill their water and not add it.
Isn't if funny how complicated this gets? You would think... get chicks - provide heat, feed & water - wait for eggs.... LOL!
The final opinion that I came away with is that regular old grocery store ACV has enough benefits to make it plenty valuable. Some even say that the 'mother' doesn't actually provide anything other than the ability to make your own ACVw/mother.
I had my chicks on grocery store brand from about week 2 until somewhere around 8months old. I ran out and didn't pick anymore up - next thing I knew I had smelly, gunky chicken butts and DIRTY eggs. A week or so back on ACV and yogurt/oatmeal and they were back to normal. I now keep a 1/2 gal tucked in behind the feed can so I don't have an excuse to fill their water and not add it.
Isn't if funny how complicated this gets? You would think... get chicks - provide heat, feed & water - wait for eggs.... LOL!