seed library


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i've been pondering this for a while to work with the local library.

since i found out about the seed swap and enjoyed how much that worked out.

well, yesterday i popped in to the library so see what was new on the shelves quick and to get the phone number and date for the next recycling center drop off so i can get some old smoke detectors and computer parts taken care of instead of throwing them away.

as i was talking to the one person there who knows me well we got talking about the gardens as usual and she mentioned that someone had been in and talking to the director about doing a seed library there.

note, i worked at the library before (before they moved into this new space) and the current director is no fan of mine and vice-versa so i've been very hesitant to do anything with them. well, if someone else takes the lead on this then i'll be happy to let them deal with the management and just do a supporting role.

so will be watching for news and if some regular meetings get scheduled to see what happens and to donate plenty of bean seeds and peas to the cause.