Garden Master
What are you saving?

Okay, they are on the tool rack behind the pickup seat
. Sally and Amy Sue aren't at risk of being mixed into the other tomatoes in the house. There is beginning to be quite a few in the kitchen and utility room! Actually, being lost in the mix begins in the garden. If I can carry them in my shirt pockets, the tomatoes' identities are much safer than in a bucket with their neighbors.
Amy Sue is the pink on the right. That tomato is much smaller than the others on the plant but should have the same genetics. The Sally must be a rather extreme oblate shaped fruit. They are pretty much all this shape and certainly unlike their round fruited Bloody Butcher parent.
Saving seed?

Okay, they are on the tool rack behind the pickup seat
Amy Sue is the pink on the right. That tomato is much smaller than the others on the plant but should have the same genetics. The Sally must be a rather extreme oblate shaped fruit. They are pretty much all this shape and certainly unlike their round fruited Bloody Butcher parent.
Saving seed?