I have had great results growing my favorite herb Rosemary. After using as much as I wanted and giving away as much as my friends would take is it possible to sell Rosemary? If so any ideas?
If you have enough of it I would think you could sell it at a farmer's market.
Do you have enough of your other herbs to start selling them at a market?
If not you may be able to sell the extra at a local shop if you could make rosemary wreaths or sachets.
I haven't found a place to sell mine yet, but there is a new farmer's market in my area that is really cheap for booth space. If I have hatching eggs, quail and ducks to sell next spring, I will bring some of herbs along and see how they do.
Along the lines of what simple life was saying, if you don't have enough to sell on your own, maybe talk to someone else at the farmer's market who might want to sell it with their stuff.