Carol Dee
Garden Master
WOW, those look so nice. You have a good eye for color and texture combinations. Your clients should be very pleased.I finally took some pictures of the 4 containers I did for a client.
They were planted about 3 weeks later than I would have ordinarily got them in, so they haven't reached their full potential. I'm waiting for the calibrachoa to tumble down the sides, and the coleus to get more height. But this is them in adolescence.
I used a lot of the same material in all 4, with a couple of change outs.
These two are mostly full sun, with some bright shade for an hour or two about midday.
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This one is in deep shade most of the day. The coleus is really wanting to get leggy because it's so dark. I had some white bacopa spilling out of this one, but apparently something broke it. It was all dried up and dead when I got there to water.
It made a big difference, really brightened up that Obsidian heuchera. But it would have gotten very unhappy there in the dim light anyway.
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This one is full sun for half a day, then bright shade after that.
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