Snakes For Varmint Control!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Not everyone is a dog person and I know you really like your cats Marshall, but have you considered a gopher dog instead of a snake? It would be easier to keep at home than a snake but might plow your garden for you, whether you want it to or not. You could maybe rescue a terrier pup from the pound and train it.
Getting The Right Dog
1 Choose the right type of dog for gopher hunting. To keep gophers out of your yard with a dog, the dog needs to have high prey drive and high prey aggression. Many members of the American Kennel Club (AKC) Terrier group have this kind of drive, but there are also working terriers that are not a part of the AKC. The most reliable way of obtaining this type of dog is to go to a breeder who breeds working terriers specifically for hunting vermin or participating in earthdog trials.

2 Research where to buy a dog. Good gopher hunting terriers can sometimes be found in rescues, shelters and SPCAs because the average pet owner can't handle their extreme drive. Inquire carefully as to the temperament of the dog and what caused it to be given up. "Needs more exercise", "won't stop chasing animals", "killed my last nine hamsters" are all good signs of the kind of dog you need.

3 Pick the right dog. You want the dog who is obsessed with moving things, capturing them and "killing" them. Choose a dog or puppy who shows tenacity in chasing balls, rags dragged across the floor. One that goes absolutely crazy at the sight of a prey animal is also to be preferred.

Training Your Gopher Dog
4 Skin the dead gopher and punch a hole in the middle of the hide. Tie a very sturdy cord to the hide. This is your lure.

5 Encourage the dog to chase and bite the lure during training sessions. You can encourage increased prey aggression by securing the dog with the leash and teasing it with the lure, but ensure that your dog never gets frustrated and always "catches" its prey.

6 Introduce your dog to the tunnel by using treats and the lure to encourage it to explore and later go through the tunnel. Eventually, your goal is to have the dog go through the tunnel to catch the lure at the end. This associates the tunnel with catching prey.

7 Release the dog on gophers when it has attained the training and growth to enable it to carry out a hunt successfully. Reward predatory behavior with treats and praise.

8 Allow the dog to regularly and frequently hunt your property. Enough hunting and killing by the dog will both thin down the gopher population in and around your yard and encourage the gophers to move their efforts to another location.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)

Garbanzo The Terripoo would fill the bill! I trapped 13 mice in the chicken coop last winter! That was nearly double the number from the worst winter up until then.

They must be under the coop again! Garbanzo will NOT stay away from that coop! I had to give her a bath the other day because she crawled under it! We are now tying her in the fenced yard just so she won't crawl under that coop. She sits, and sits, and watches and watches . . . obsessively. I don't know how she could see anything; she can't get within 10 feet of it and there are boards and a deck around it. When she is loose, she immediately checks the coop, often snarling at the corners! She weighs 6#!



Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
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Southeast VA
Ridge - great idea! Found the perfect dog:

Jack Cassidy
Dachshund & Terrier Adult Male Small


Marin Humane Society Novato, CA

Look at those feet - made for digging.
And that intense stare.... "FEAR ME VARMENTS!"
Small enough that the kitty boys will have him put in his place in no time.
Tie on a bandanna and the bikini-babes will swoon over him.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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Speaking of Mules, is Applejack a good name for one?

Hijack all ya want about mules and chicjens :p

My internet service is down until probably thursday or a bit later. Today I'm in Ukiah at the library

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I picked up 4 snakes today that I hope will help protect my garden and orchard. Not real big or terribly scary (I rather like snakes) but big enough to scare the chipmunks, moles, voles and field mice. The small king cobra will be going into the garden shed hole to keep mice from coming back in. They were only 99 cents each in the Halloween section of my home improvement center today. I lost the one I started the year with -- a hawk flew down and carried it off this spring. Bet that hawk was surprised to find that it was a rubber snake! They do work rather well if you remember to move them often enough.

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