If you motivate yourself you JUST MIGHT be able to start your Spring garden chores on time!! Look for the small jobs that you can do Now.
We had a thaw and I pulled out a hose to reach the portable (small) plastic horse trough and then found out why I wasn't using it. It had a leak. I took the time this weekend to cut it into smaller pieces (I used metal cutters) and got it bagged up and thrown away. We have Wednesday morning trash pickup. One LESS job to do in March!
SOOO Sorry! Ice storms usually happen where I live. Hate them !!!!!!
We had one in the 1990's and power was out for 2 weeks in the country.
During the '07-'08, '08 -'09 winters, I opened the front door one morning to a wall of snow to my waist. Now I know a lot of that was drift, but we had a couple feet out in the driveway that wasn't drift. Those were a crazy couple winters. It was a full time job keeping the chore paths clear as well as the house walkway and drive.
What I overheard a couple of grizzled old timers say was more like the way winters used to always be.
@thistlebloom @bobm will be thinking about you while we are having our 1 day heatwave of 74* after that it's back to our every other day mud making rain... oh and the frogs are croaking away..humm has be close to spring...