Deeply Rooted
Woo hoo, always glad to hear from someone with crappier weather than me, there are so few on this forum!! 
Sorry, just had to say it <g>
Actually, if it makes you feel any better, I find that snow is usually GOOD for the fall garden, in the sense that although it squashes things down somewhat it protects flowerbuds from cold, and thus things remain flowering through a cold snap better if there was a bit of snow than if they were bare. So it may be *depressing* but is not necessarily a death knell for your ornamentals. And I presume that by now your veg garden has long since been frosted anyhow
Commiserations from someone who like you could have snow at any time now, and has had a hard frost,
Sorry, just had to say it <g>
Actually, if it makes you feel any better, I find that snow is usually GOOD for the fall garden, in the sense that although it squashes things down somewhat it protects flowerbuds from cold, and thus things remain flowering through a cold snap better if there was a bit of snow than if they were bare. So it may be *depressing* but is not necessarily a death knell for your ornamentals. And I presume that by now your veg garden has long since been frosted anyhow

Commiserations from someone who like you could have snow at any time now, and has had a hard frost,