So today I get to spend the day with my grandkids I never knew I had


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
Reinbeau said:
Aren't they just adorable at that age? I love little boys, I've got two myself - well, they used to be little, not so little anymore. My eldest is getting married next August and I'll become a step-gramma then to a now 18 month old boy. I hope he'll come down to visit and learn the wonders of the garden, he'll be a city boy.
congratulations!!!! I had two sons as well and raised two girls ...(hope you are doing ok today?) they are cute as can be and there is nothing like seeing him pull a carrot out of the ground and just beem and yell "LOOK" !!!!!!

he is haivng trouble with naming me it is kind of funny the last few times I was "Grandpa Akie" and I swear I am a woman :)

big brown horse

Garden Ornament
Apr 24, 2009
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Puget Sound Baby!
Just seeing this for the first time, been hanging out in the food section...can you tell where my interests are?

I love the way children talk at that age too. You had me laughing at the things he said.

Goodnight Grandpa Akie!


Garden Ornament
Apr 26, 2009
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Sacramento Area, CA
HiDelight thank you for your words, i cant express how much i needed that .. congrats and thanks for sharing ..


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
chills said:
HiDelight thank you for your words, i cant express how much i needed that .. congrats and thanks for sharing ..
oh honey you are most welcome :hugs

I keep looking at the pictures and can not believe they are still real

we are taking our baby's mama out for dinner tonight so we can learn all about her

15 year old girl has girls day coming up when my daughter from Texas comes with her one year old ..YAY COUSINS NOW!!! how fun is this more family!!!! :weee

it will be blackberry time and I figure the adults will learn to make the cordial and wine with me and I will teach the kids to make jam and a basic crisp (1 part brown sugar 1 part butter 1 part flour 1 part oats)

I have a cookbook my kids created when they were growing up still has pages to fill and food from when they cooked with it stuck between the pages ...

the expression "through sorrow comes joy" wow it could not be more true right now

build a garden and they will come ..I started building this garden to deal with grief and pain ... from all the hard work and constant rewards and struggles I now have a delightful playland for my new family how awesome is that

do you guys have any other inspirational stories of how the joys of a garden helped you get through a rough time?

there is no better therapy to me than digging in dirt and playing with my animals :throw


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
OMG my grandkids ..the 3 year old was eating the last of the sugar peas off the vines he was shoving them into his mouth and spitting out the words "THESE PEEBS TASTE JUST LIKE SUGAR...MMMMMMMM SWEEEEEETTTT!!!!" Pea pieces shooting everywhere "Yets get some terrots Grampa Ackie"

ok no matter what happens the rest of my life ..I am happy this moment :)

I spend a set amount of money each quarter on plants I try very hard to keep it about $100 and usually do ..nothing is ever planned I just love to go and have a "nursery day" see what is there and buy impullsively ...then I come home and make a home for it and clear out around whatever I buy at the same time ..

some would say it is a bit manic ..they are probably right :)

this is the first year we have had both Anna's and Rufus hummingbirds stick around and raise not just one but they are on their second families ..they love what I have planted I am so happy ..also the butterflies and honey bees have increased to the point where they are just brilliant to watch
the honeysuckle is done the pokers are done I have few things left to tempt them so I purchased some more red tubular things :)

I found hardy fuchsia with varigated leaves
and some other kind of tubular brilliant red flower I forgot the name of

I also got a small smoke bush one of those "I have always wanted one of those things" things

a purple cone flower ..for years I have tried starting them from seeds and said the heck with it and bought a great big healthy one

and the most exciting .....drum roll please.... is the espalier 5 way apple :weee see I have this fence that scream espalier ...and this is the best most beautiful one I have seen yet!!! only $30!!! :weee it is mine now YAY!!!!

also I rationalized today that because it was hot sticky and tropical feeling and we were eating fresh mangos ...I needed a plam tree too soooooo I bought a palm tree that looked just to healthy and happy to resist!

tonight the garden needs a good soak we really dried out right now and the dust is awful (I live on a dirt road and am in the midst of a huge remodel I have dust everywhere)

the plants are all set out ..some I planted ...and I feel very pleased ..while I love to start things from cuttings and seeds there is sometimes a need to give yourself a gift! and my gift is instant gratification quarterly every year!



Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
I am no longer "Grandpa Ackie"
the three year old with the great big blue cockeyes ...was grabbing my hand and saying "Weedy Weedy let's go find fish!" at the river name is now

"Weedy" :love

its all good considering I am a manic gardener who sometimes thinks noxious weeds are perennial flowers :)

this is the three year old

:weee :throw :bee :tongue :hide :barnie :weee :celebrate :tongue :sick :happy_flower :weee

all at one time!


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
Hattie the Hen said:
HiDelight :frow

:love I loved that! :love

They obviously enjoy each others company! Good training helps so much :bow :clap

:rose Hattie :rose
thanks so much i love them too :) they bring such joy to my life!!!
such a sad story these dogs had ..
the red dog was literally dead her mom was put down because she was "aggressive" well she was starving had two starving puppies and snapped at the police officer that found them ..go figure huh?
the puppies were taken by a vet and rescue group in our area and both mine and her sister have great loving homes

the black and white dog was purchased by someone who went to jail the day after buying this lovely puppy ..he went in the road with a trucker and ended up being almost killed by another pit bull he was put into a cat rescue during his formative months he lived in a pen with kittens believe it or not he purrs :) it is so sweet when he is all cuddled up with you he makes a buzzing noise ..his version I am sure of a purr

we feed them well them lots and yes they have both been to and will continue to get training ..a well trained working dog is a happy dog ..these dogs love to work!

I love my dogs :)

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