No one has accused any of the bleeding hearts of having a brain to actually think of the results of their actions on others rather than their limited biased wants and desires. Their mantra : " We know what is best for you, then we let you pay for it" !
Now in addition to this solar plant, the developer ( BrightSource Energy), is seeking permission to build another power-tower solar installation with a 75 story tower between Joshua Tree National Park and the California- Arizona border. The location is in the flight path of protected golden eagles and peregrine falcons and is home to more than 100 other species of birds. So, the very "progressive" Gov. of California Jerry Brown is resisting calls to slow or stop development of the power-tower solar installations. There appears to be a double standard about the environmental impacts of renewable power. Massive solar farms encroach on thousands of acres of habitat of endangered species yet the installations are allowed to go forward, assisted by billions in taxpayer loan guarantees. Wind turbine blades rip up federally protected golden and bald eagles and other raptors, but rather than fine the industry, the Obama administration quietly expanded their permits. Meanwhile, in Alaska, the Interior Dept. prohibited a remote fishing village from building a gravel road, saying it would affect eelgrass that serves as a way- stop meal for migratory birds. Village spokeswoman Dell Trumble noted " We'd have much less impact on the birds with our road than these wind farms have on the eagles." Here's an idea : Rather than spend billions of taxpayer dollars trying to regulate the coal industry out of business, why not use some of that money to support development of zero- emission coal plants like China is doing with it's Green Gen project. Rather than use the bureaucracy to strangle the Keystone Pipeline, let it be built. We could use the jobs and the economic boost it will bring. The same goes for biomass and natural gas. Why are DOUBLE STANDARDS for energy and turning a blind eye to solar and wind turbine kills acceptable ?