I homeschooled my sons all the way through high school as well. Unfortunately, at the time they were at the right age to start them on cursive, I was dumb and of the mind that it wasn’t a necessary thing to learn. NOW, 20 years later, I’m sorry that I didn’t teach them to write cursive. By the time they got into their teens and I changed my mind on the topic, it was basically too late. They just wouldn’t do the practice and felt like it was an outdated practice. They are normally on computers, and even with their mostly hunt and peck typing, they are pretty fast and accurate on it. I type somewhere around 70+ words a minute now, but I am typing on a computer (which is much easier than even the best electric type writer which I learned on back in the 80s) and I am typing all day long for my business and pleasure. My sons can read most of our families hand writing, but not so much any one else’s. They have no interest in really learning either. **shrug**. I on the other hand, write in cursive more than printing.... printing takes too long! LOLI found out while homeschooling that public school was not being taught cursive. I am not sure when it started. I homeschooled for 18 years. I started DD with a different curriculum for the first 3 years and then later with DS I used Abeka and his cursive was more like what I was taught as a child and DD liked it better, so she practiced until she could write like DS.