Garden Master
Exactly my feelings about cursive. I only used it for writing letters... and after years away from home in the military, I never wanted to write another letter for as long as I lived. Everything at work, and in my records at home, is printed; and of course, everything on the computer or cell is typed. The only thing I still use cursive for is my signature - and that is so far removed from the penmanship I once had, that I could be mistaken for a doctor.My cursive penmanship used to be fairly good. During my time in the Military, I was away from home a lot, and writing letters constantly - always in cursive. But when I retired & moved home permanently, there was no reason to use cursive, other than for signatures. At work, all hand-written documentation was printed; all of my garden records were printed as well, and any written compositions were typed out on the computer. So I've mostly forgotten cursive now... what you don't use, you lose. DW kept a few of my first letters to her, my old writing style looks foreign to me now.

And @paiyaan8 , welcome to The Easy Garden!