Garden Master
No, no. I didn't say that it was your fault.
I said that I was blaming you.
Mom has tried that a few times, but i just keep telling her that she was here first.
No, no. I didn't say that it was your fault.
I said that I was blaming you.
That reminds me of the time when "spell check" was a heavy 2" book, with only a manual search function.View attachment 40295
I had one of these! But, not as a kid ... had to put up with the old Underwood back in those days.
Threw away the Smith Corona not all that long ago (before the pandemic hit). Hadn't used it in decades. Didn't know where to find a new ribbon. A friend said "Oh, you can get those ribbons at that office supply on the hill." I didn't have the heart to tell him that the shop has been out of business for several years.
That reminds me of the time when "spell check" was a heavy 2" book, with only a manual search function.
I took a typing class in high school as it was after my last class and start of football practice, so I had an hour to kill. . I was the only boy in a class with 27 girls. At finals, I stood 2nd in this class in speed as well as accuracy.Who else took tying class in high school on one of those machines? I did and its way I can type very very quickly.