I'm giving just a little thought, and late as it is, to new threads for the New Year.
Perhaps, it's seems like a bridge too far for a new TEG member to post on a thread that has a Heap of posts. Somethings might seem Old Hat to people who have followed along for a year and more.
And, no, I have not used up all of my clichés . I'm thinking of "funny business, " with the "cat's out of the bag," and "gone to the dogs."
digitS', yeah, I know but the dog ate my homework ... and, old threads shouldn't be goin' anywhere a search won't find
My significant other finally, after a lot of begging, bought the metal sheeting to repair the roof of my shed, that was used for lambing, containing bottle babies of various species, a hospital area for various species, storage for my stuff, a place to keep my feed and meds dry, etc. We got the sheeting finally in 2009.
Last year half of it went on top of chicken pen because the shed rotted and fell over while waiting…the other half is supposed to cover my outdoor rabbitry…whose cages are now covered with a tarp to keep them dry…
hiring someone else so far often means it gets done even worse than if i tried to do it myself. spend thousands of $ and get bad results and have to argue with contractors to come back and fix their screwups. repeatedly. massive waste of money and time. i'm going to have to stop writing here for a while because i can rant for pages (i already have and deleted it).