She fell out of the window earlier in the week. Guess it was tired of waiting for it's new custom made pot! 
Removed a few new pups from the rear and the ones that broke off from the fall, in water now. Idk what to do with those, toss or grow roots, give away?
Soaked her in my sink for 1.5 days, then popped it out of its old pot and squiggled into the new one. Slightly deeper, same width, but 4 times more space sideways.
Wish I had thinner plastic board to use for more root space, but was using free leftovers. Will probably add two little nails so it cannot fall out of the window again.

Removed a few new pups from the rear and the ones that broke off from the fall, in water now. Idk what to do with those, toss or grow roots, give away?
Soaked her in my sink for 1.5 days, then popped it out of its old pot and squiggled into the new one. Slightly deeper, same width, but 4 times more space sideways.
Wish I had thinner plastic board to use for more root space, but was using free leftovers. Will probably add two little nails so it cannot fall out of the window again.