Starting peppers from seed


Attractive To Bees
Jan 8, 2009
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middle of nowhere Colorado
I have a handy dandy little "grow room" that Greg built for me downstairs in the furnace room. It's got a space heater in it so I run the temp in the room up to almost 80. My secret for perfect germination of pepper seeds? Put the seed in the starter soil, water, leave in nice warm grow room. The only time I couldn't get a pepper seed to germinate was when I saved seed from a really cool pepper that I liked from the grocery store.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
obsessed said:
Like I sowed a few tomatoes in the beginning of January. And they all germinated and are starting to get real leggy in their tp/ milk jug homes. There is about 6 individual tp pots in one milkjug. So today I took each of the tp rolls and planted them into individual milkjugs and pots. I was very careful to unroll the tp rolls and i don't even think I disturbed the roots. Around the tp rolls I put some organic miracle grow soil. they will stay like that in the milkjugs outside till planting time. Which I am aiming for Early March.
Obsessed - I'm confused.:idunno If I understand correctly, you plant the seeds in the tp rolls and put the rolls on milk jugs that have been cut and you only use the bottom. I don't get the part where you unwrap the roll. I'm assuming you then transplant them into the bottom of the milk jugs? The part that is confusing to me is the part where you add soil around the rolls. Is this just so they stand up?



Deeply Rooted
Aug 24, 2008
Reaction score
Slidell, LA
Ok so here it is

1. I pack the tp rolls with seed starting stuff I get at lowes.

2. I put the packed rolls into a milkjug cut in half and like 6 will fit in there. Then I duct tap the jug backtogether. I then put the top back on the jug to keep the humidity in.

3. Place on the fridge.

4. Come back in a week or so (Maybe two if I got busy).

5. Once they germinate I will take them from the fridge to a window sill to get more light and take the top off the jug. It is still duct taped.

6. When it is time to transplant either into the ground or a bigger pot thingy than the tp roll (so the roots can develop , or if it is too soon to put out) I carefully unwrap the tp roll from the seed starting stuff. I and drop it in the ground if I am planting in the ground or put the roll in a pot gently and gently fill around the roll with soil.

I think you could leave the roll in place. I remove it because I want the roots to spread out as soon as possible rather than wait for the roll to disintegrate. Ok let me know if this works if not I will go take pictures.

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