I started my garden outside since I live in southern Alabama and was past any danger of frost. My soil is clay so we built forms and filled with bags of top soil and Black Cow. Planted seeds and plants. Everything started coming up within a week and plants did well. Now all plants are stalled. Leaves are curling and turning brown or yellow. We water every morning for 30 minutes. I even put some miracle grow on it because I thought it might be the soil. I planted from seeds: Green beans, scallions, radishes, beets. Plants are tomato, green pepper, banana peppers. Everything is the same size it was 3 weeks ago. They have literally not grown a bit. I have never experienced this before.
Last year did the same thing but purchased a truckload of top soil and garden did great. Redid size this year so we started over.
Last year did the same thing but purchased a truckload of top soil and garden did great. Redid size this year so we started over.