Garden Master
We are having air stagnation warnings and the smell outdoors is testimony of the 74 rating – right in the middle of the "moderate" levels. It may my imagination but I think that I am now beginning to smell it indoors.
The stagnation has gone on for 3 days and will be history, tomorrow. The WS tells us that wind gusts may be in the high 30's mph. We will see if their near certainty regarding me waking up to snow and whether it might change to rain in the afternoon with the temperature a few degrees above freezing.
It has been surprising that the conditions of sunshine and chill have remained the same so long. Three weeks! Their longer term predictions are for both below normal temperatures and normal precipitation. I think that this almost has to translate to snow for the next 10 days, or so. That doesn't mean snow everyday but a series of storms coming in, probably of a fairly light measure. Anyway, fresher air –– and how about Your Indoor Air today?
The stagnation has gone on for 3 days and will be history, tomorrow. The WS tells us that wind gusts may be in the high 30's mph. We will see if their near certainty regarding me waking up to snow and whether it might change to rain in the afternoon with the temperature a few degrees above freezing.
It has been surprising that the conditions of sunshine and chill have remained the same so long. Three weeks! Their longer term predictions are for both below normal temperatures and normal precipitation. I think that this almost has to translate to snow for the next 10 days, or so. That doesn't mean snow everyday but a series of storms coming in, probably of a fairly light measure. Anyway, fresher air –– and how about Your Indoor Air today?