stubbed toes and mud pies


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
If I'm permitted to agree ..

. I'll agree!

However, we don't have them here :D.

with several chick-a-dee-dee-dees!

it looks like it has a nice big fat green worm in it's mouth, but i have no good way of knowing what kind of worm that is. glad to see it finding plenty to eat. worried about those little birds getting too hot inside that pot belly stove... :(


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
it was perfect today. the only thing not so perfect is my body can't do everything i wanted to get done. started out digging to get rid of quack grass for a few hours, then mowed for a while.

finished that and started fixing an erosion gully that is forming at the end of The River Nile. it hasn't rained much here and the soil is all rock hard with mostly clay. my feet are sore, not counting i've still got the booboo foot from smashing my toes on the rock so they ache prettty good right now. at least the bruises are mostly gone. i'm not really looking too closely... at least i can wash them and between my toes and i don't smell gangrene so things are ok and nothing has fallen off either - at least not that i've noticed. :)

this erosion gully will take some time to get redone how i'd like it, but getting started just by fixing up the head cut so it can step down and i can get the lawn mower in there and then to widen and slope the whole thing so there is more room for flow but also to slope it so it can all be mowed. right now i have some chunks of sod to pin down (chicken wire and rocks perhaps) just in case we get a gully washer storm. not in the forecast for the next week - but stuff happens... we'll see...

why i call it The River Nile


and why it erodes:




Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
maybe some cardboard with space between it just on that side. will do it tomorrow for sure. baked birdie babies are not on my menu. thanks for the suggestion.

the birds fledged and i don't smell dead animal smell around there so i think they may have figured out how to get out of there. i've not seen them around in any spot in the yard.

i have had a visit from a killdeer family for the past hour and half as they were wandering around the North Garden and i tried to get some picture of them and different behaviors i've not been able to observe before. :) [morning edit] they were there the whole night and this morning when i went out and filled up the birdbaths and watered. i don't like noise in the morning so the parents sqwawking around wasn't what i wanted to hear but now that i'm done so are they.
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Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
this year when i restarted the worm buckets i had a lot of garlic scapes and small onions which weren't going to be planted or eaten so the first thought was to cut them up and dry them out and then use them for worm food, but that was going to take way too much time so in some of the worm buckets i put them in the bottom and as they sprout and try to grow eventually they'll give up and then the worms will be able to eat them. in a few buckets i forgot to get the garlic and onions put in on the bottom so they went in more towards the top. a bit of a mistake as they can sprout and grow and push up through the top layers and then they want to try to push off the top of the buckets too (which is fine mesh fabric which lets air in but keeps the bugs in or out).

yesterday as i'm checking the buckets and putting in some watermelon rinds i find in some of them a pretty good forest of onions and garlic sprouts growing in there. :) this would be good if i wanted chives or garlic chives, but those roots make it hard to work in those buckets. a few of the buckets also had a lot of bugs in them so i had to wait until it cooled off enough in the evening to take those buckets outside to open up and put the melon in there. sometimes that happens when restarting a bucket using garden soil and humus from under wood chips where a lot of insect eggs are just waiting for the right conditions to hatch out again. i keep small spiders in the buckets to keep the population explosions down, but sometimes there aren't enough spiders to stop a full blown bloom of life like this. :)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
some of the tomato plants are already over the top of their cages. they like where they are planted and the worm castings give them an extra boost. they don't have to work nearly as hard to get roots down in this garden.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
making good progress on getting the North Garden cleaned up and weeded. :) still a lot to go but the worst of it is done first. even the worst of this garden is still easier than most of my other gardens because this one has actual topsoil in most of it and the lower edges are set up to be scraped. i can actually put my fingers into the soil in most places to pull a weed or dig by just pushing the shovel in (to dig holes to bury garden debris or weeds).

not very hot out but very humid, a breeze has helped a lot.

taking a break and checking the weather to see how much i'll have to water later this week. no rain in the forecast for days so will have to water everything tomorrow morning and again Saturday.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
finished up the North Garden weeding this morning, watered what i could get done, took a break and then we had three of us doing garden tours in three different gardens. bewteen the three of us we have all completely different gardens, climates, soils, settings so it is a really nicely balanced group of us with different areas of expertise.

everyone is hoping for some rains. we only had a few drops from the scattered thunderstorm prediction for today.

things inside the fenced gardens are doing good, gardens outside the fences are at risk. some plants are recovered from deer grazing but not much is growing with this lack of rains. watering does help but it isn't the same as some rain.

long day, sleepy, time to crash. :)