stubbed toes and mud pies


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Might we call Sparky a double?

Polight? It's like a street "pole light!" Perhaps someone thought it should have a gentle name. Just a "po' boy?" Sure, I look at names as soon as reality. Turn very thing into a sandwich :).

Our daffodils are blooming like crazy! Bright, Bright on that side of the house. Destined to stay that way with the neighbor's tree now gone.

Day lilies in your garden? Jump in there with @catjac1975 !


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Might we call Sparky a double?

i have no variety names so i just make up things as i go along. :)

Polight? It's like a street "pole light!" Perhaps someone thought it should have a gentle name. Just a "po' boy?" Sure, I look at names as soon as reality. Turn very thing into a sandwich :).

i think Polight was my brain's way of saying "something like a Poet but lighter"...

Our daffodils are blooming like crazy! Bright, Bright on that side of the house. Destined to stay that way with the neighbor's tree now gone.

Day lilies in your garden? Jump in there with @catjac1975 !

we have some daylillies out front, but not too many in other places.

we did have some other lillies around too but many of those are now gone because of what the deer have done to them. i've rescued a few of them from some spots and put them inside the fenced gardens but i don't think i have all of them that we used to have. :( such pretty flowers.

Branching Out

Deeply Rooted
Dec 2, 2022
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Southwestern B.C.
added some pictures to:

Sparky is my favorite (oops, i messed up the label on that picture i'll fix it for the next upload). i don't think i have too many of those kind around. it's hard for me to keep track of them all to know for sure.
I really like how that gorgeous daffodil seems to be facing upwards-- great photo Flowerbug! So many of mine have flower heads that tilt down, making it difficult to fully appreciate how beautiful they are. I noticed that my neighbour lined his driveway with daffodils, placing them in a raised bed so you can really get a good look at them when you walk by.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
considering how little i have to do with this garden i like how it turned out




Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I really like how that gorgeous daffodil seems to be facing upwards-- great photo Flowerbug! So many of mine have flower heads that tilt down, making it difficult to fully appreciate how beautiful they are. I noticed that my neighbour lined his driveway with daffodils, placing them in a raised bed so you can really get a good look at them when you walk by.

i like them but wish they'd not divide quite so frequently.

i thinned the ones along the bottom and have hundreds i have to remove from the top and the further edge. and this is only about 1/5th of the rest that also need to be thinned or removed...



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
garden club meeting was good, when i got there a new person was waiting so i hope they return. i think they have a lot more energy for out and about types of projects and perhaps more interested in more public things than i am. which is great. :) i'd gladly have someone like that doing whatever they can to get more contacts and more people involved.

i found out that there is no continued funding of any kind for the seed library (for basic supplies like the little seed envelopes) - which is annoying. even a small amount would be at least a help. so i'm going to see if i can get a few others along with me to chip in a few $ for that.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
a second conversation with the library director about the seed library, i asked them if i donated some money for the purpose if they could order some small envelopes for seeds and they said it was ok and that they had some. so i replenished the supply. next time i go for the garden club meeting i can get some more bean seeds stocked because those were mostly gone. so at least they are being used. :)

in other news, sunny today and dry for the next few days so i will need to get the hoses out and connected today as the peas and beans will need a shot of watering.

then i might be able to get some pipe insulation done in the crawlspace for the hot water lines.

and change the air filter on the furnace to get the AC ready to run for the season.

i wonder if we have a spare water filter as that probably could be changed too (but i don't think we do as after years of doing it regularly i stopped because it really didn't make much of a difference).

it's not much fun to crawl around down there but at least it is dry - it is also dusty (from the dryer vent not being competely sealed) and spider webs can be annoying in your face. it's also pretty hard on the knees just to get in and out of there.

by the time i get all of that done it will be plenty enough for the day. the AC unit outside can use being cleaned out but there's a good chance i'll save that for another day.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
pipe insulation was mostly the wrong size, but i put it on there anyways (something is probably better than nothing).

so the main accomplishment was getting the air filter changed and then i cleaned up the hatchway metal door (got out the wire brush attachment for the drill and got the rust off and then spray painted it). looks much nicer now.

before doing anything i had to sweep out the mouse droppings and empty my jar of mouse deterrent which had a small dead mouse in it (likely it was thirsty and thought the bleach water was ok, but it wasn't for drinking ...). after getting the entrance floor cleaned enough i'd not be grossed out crawling across it then i could get down below and do what needed to be done. after getting the hatch back in place then i refilled the mouse deterrent and put that back down there and put the other cover back on (the wooden one which keeps the rain and stuff from the pine and cedar trees out of there, plus it does help to discourage mice too.

hopefully i won't have to do anything except change out the bleach every few months.

eventually i may have to get some of the right sized pipe insulation but since we've gotten along without it for this long another *mumble* number of years probably is not too hard to imagine before i get back to it. crawling around in the dust down there isn't any fun at all, but at least it is dry and there's no signs of mice or other animals down there. just some cobwebs and spiders. not any ants either...


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
yesterday was a prime example of "stubbed toe" i was walking along a pathway and picking up gravel from the neighboring garden to put it back in the pathway as i was going along and since i'm near the edge i didn't notice a snag and i'm bent over and moving forwards while my foot is caught and not moving with me so i wipe out and land hard on the gravel pathway.

if i'd had my glasses on it would have been much much worse as i landed on the side of my face/eye, the hat and sweatband did help there a lot (whew!) and that shoulder took a lot of damage too but i think that was a good thing because it spread the impact, also my left arm, left knee. i was also most of the way down already because i was bent over and grabbing gravel so i only had a shorter distance to fall (gravity does not give up or cooperate with wishful thinking).

i expected blood and a black eye, but after coming in and checking things out (making sure no bones were sticking out too) i only had a mark near my eye and a beat up shoulder.

my left shoulder has already been complaining about something i don't know what i did to it but this crash did not make it worse. i was able to mow and do other things yesterday without further issues.

even when trying to be careful sometimes i still screw up. :( such is life...

today i need to water and that and getting ready for a potential frost later is about all i'll have time to do. ashes are going to be delivered today and i have a spot to stack the buckets already set up.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
garden club meeting was fun, the new person from last month did not return. still it was a good time and i learned some new things. including i had to look up how seedless watermelons are created. :)

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