Super excited! Farmer's market here I come :)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Cory's Garden said:
. . . A friend suggested I do a market basket program in which repeat customers can call before market day and give their order. Repeat customers are given a list of the items you usually have available. You can be more specific if you are organized and know what you'll be harvesting. These "basket" customers call some time during the week before the farmer's market and place their order. You provide the best looking produce possible in these baskets because you want these folks to spread the word that you are the one to buy from. It helps you because you've pre-sold X number of baskets of food even before you get to your spot. There are a lot of people who want fresh produce, but they don't have all afternoon to shop. My daughter, a banker, is a good example. She will pay a premium for better food, but she isn't interested in hunting through vegetable bins to find the best looking carrots and peppers.

Keep us updated on your progress. :tools
I read this article a couple of years ago. The farmer had been there for years but decided to direct market and kind of, picked the simplest way possible: Otsuji Farm, pay-as-you-go

It is also short of the serious commitment that you get into with a CSA program. I have seen a couple of those attempts that flamed-out after, & even before, a single season.

Do some pounds/square foot & timing calculations. The market gardener HAS to get soopermarket prices. Altho', if you aren't certified organic, don't expect to get organic prices. The consumer won't bite for that. But, if he/she can look at your produce and sees every bit the same quality as what is available at the store, they will happily pay retail. Being able to learn the growing practices and realizing that the produce is the freshest available, is valued. They will also come to appreciate the calluses on your hands and your sunburn.
