Sustainable Growing Project


Garden Ornament
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
Virginia: Zone 7 (I think)
Wow, that garden is looking great! I wish there were things like this around where I am. I would love to participate in a community garden. I can't wait to see updated pictures and posts about this garden.

Backyard Buddies

Garden Ornament
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Thanks so much, SoyBean, for your kind words! I will keep posting pix as everything develops. Right now, we're watching one of the peaches get pretty big and can't wait to put that into the offering plate as our "first fruit."

You know, other than plots that can be purchased (after a loooong waiting list) we didn't know of anything available in our area, either, and definitely didn't know of anyone doing it for the good of others. Now, when I'm driving about, when I see another church, or a school, or a park with a weedy lot, I can't help but think that there are more opportunities out there that aren't being utilized. Nothing would make me happier than if dozens or hundreds of other groups found a way to make something like this work in their own community.

And, if you're ever in So. Cal, feel free to drop me a line and let me know. We're always happy to have folks come out and join us.


Deeply Rooted
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Zone 8B, Oakland, CA
I always check your updates and love to see how things are progressing down there! So cool!

I was raised in Orange County and we still have a home in Newport Beach which we rent out most of the year. We make a few trips down there a year to check on our property in Riverside and our tenants, we'd love to stop by and see your great project!


Deeply Rooted
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
N. California
I skimmed through this...(I couldn't wait for all the pics to load, as my dial-up would have kept me here for hours, but I'll go back and see them over the next few days.), and wish I had been here all along.

You may not need anything by now, but if there's a question you have, please ask. I have a lot of experience with large gardens, both in the south and north of the state, and community gardens.

Those trees sound terrific. :)

Also, and I'm sorry if this was posted, have you put in an asparagus patch? They take a little while, but are a nice permanent planting.

As long as you don't shade anything with them, giant sunflowers are excellent for trapping pests. You can look behind the flowers well, and pick them right off. Just don't add them to the compost. Studies at the Ecology Action test garden here have shown that their bodies in the compost retard the growth of other plants. Real shame when you see all that mass, but it can't be helped. Besides the pests, they are great for seeds for people and birds.

Warning: Tell everyone not to ever give the whole flower head to a parrot, and probably other types of birds, as well. I lost a beautiful hand raised amazon to that. :(

We have large barrels, some type of dark gray grade, which are as tall as I am approx., which were olive barrels. I keep them strategically around the garden (250' long, so they need to be here and there.), and I drop in all weeds and water. You can read up on weed tea, but I can tell you now that it's great stuff.

First of all, it kills all the weed's seeds. 2nd of all, weeds take up all sorts of minerals and such, and using their tea puts it all back into the garden.

And finally, for now :D, one of the most effective helps to the garden, which isn't expensive when you count how much is used, and isn't full of chemicals, is kelp. I like Maxi-crop powder. We do foliar feeding with it; spray right onto the leaves of the plants. Some of their products aren't allowed (I'm certified organic.) anymore for some reason, but the regular kelp powder is fine, and good thing, because that's what I like the best for good, healthy growth! :)

Okay, I lied :D , I wanted to mention that if you are growing mint (And if so I hope it's really, really contained.), to be careful of the manure around it.

Well, that's all. I'm going to subscribe to this thread, and please, if you've any questions at all, I'll answer them if I can. :)


Garden Ornament
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
Virginia: Zone 7 (I think)
That would be quite the drive. I forgot to put my location in my profile. I'm in Virginia. Mmm, peaches. I love a good fresh peach. I was raised on canned peaches and once I tasted a fresh peach, I have never gone back to canned peaches.


Garden Ornament
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Norco, California
I have at least a week's worth of manure for you right now...I can't get out there until the 24th. That will mean THREE WEEKS worth! :th

Backyard Buddies

Garden Ornament
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Thanks all!

Oakland - That's a funny coincidence. I went to HS in NB and my hubby went to HS in the East Bay (Fremont, tho he's orignally from Washington) so we've crossed some paths. Absolutely, if you're ever down this way, let me know and I'll be glad to meet you at the garden and give you a first class tour!

Tutter - Great suggestions! I'm going to print out your thoughts and keep them for reference. Where did you find the barrels for the weed tea? That's right up the line of the kinds of things we'd like to be doing with our project. I'll have to go looking for the kelp power. Sounds like great stuff. And, yes, we do plan on growing both the large sunflowers and the asparagus. The asparagus isn't in yet (gotta find some first!) and probably won't go in this summer season. We have a great back spot for it so that when the feathery foliage is prominant, it won't be blocking anything else. We will be planting at least a 30 X 4 foot row of it, maybe two. The mint will be planted in these raised beds that run along one side of the garden. The gal who volunteered to put in all of the herbs has been thoroughly instructed in mint containment practices! :) I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you, so thanks so much for your willingness to help!

SoyBean - I agree. Fresh peaches are the BEST! Well, even if you are a ways away, Virginia is a beautiful place to be! So pretty!

Carri - Only a week's worth? :lol: Your uncle must have cleaned you out! Three weeks worth of manure will be great! We'll be starting our new compost pile soon (still working on that huge one!) so it'll be nice to be getting that ready to use.


Deeply Rooted
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
N. California
The barrels showed up at a local nursery years ago. I don't know that I've ever made a better purchase, as they are still working well after many, many years of good service. You might be able to inquire at your local nurseries, or maybe at the nearest olive growers/packers?

Hopefully your nursery will have Maxi-Crop on the shelf, but, if not, maybe they can order it for you.

Having the rows 4' deep is a good size. It allows people to reach to at least the center easily.

The only reason I made the garden beds here 20' long, was because it allowed me more rotational blocks, so that my plantings could be as diverse as I wished.

I use 4 blocks per rotational section. Each block is 5 rows, one above the other, with a narrow walkway between. One block of 5 rows is always in a cover crop, and they rotate clockwise each year.

Continued good luck with this project; I think it's something that more people/groups should do! :)


Garden Ornament
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Norco, California
Backyard Buddies said:
Carri - Only a week's worth? :lol: Your uncle must have cleaned you out! Three weeks worth of manure will be great! We'll be starting our new compost pile soon (still working on that huge one!) so it'll be nice to be getting that ready to use.
Hey, I can only keep so much of it around here! :barnie Three weeks is stretching it unless you have some trashcans you can let me borrow... I'll just keep filling them up! :gig

Backyard Buddies

Garden Ornament
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Tutter - Your weed tea and Maxi-Crop got me to thinking. I live about 3 miles from the ocean. What would happen if I just bagged up some seaweed and did the same thing with the tea composter? Would that work?

I'll keep my eyes open for barrels. I would imagine that one that had a spout could be a nice addition.

I like your rotating method. What are you using for a cover crop?

Carri - OK, let me see what I can do to get some trash cans. What size? Any special features?

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