Garden Master
I thought the fact that she could make a snowman with her prints was a good thing. Thought it was also an omen that snow was coming.Meanwhile, here's what we've been up to.
Syringas first meeting with moose. She was calm and curious. Since then they have been 10 feet from her pen, and she just kept eating her hay. But I know what was going through her mind - - - go ahead moose chick, just try and go for my hay! This girl is serious about her food.
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Yesterday I worked on saddling her. Didn't get the girth buckled yet, working on that this week. She didn't jump around and dump my saddle so I stopped while we were ahead.
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This might be a little nerdy, but while I was coming back from our walk today I noticed her hoof prints in the road. The round hoof is her front, the oval one is her rear. See how she steps up so well under herself and reaches past her front hoof print with her rear? That's a good thing.
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