Garden Master
*AWLT* and the nickname is way cute. 
Ok, the story... after feeding one evening I was inside sitting at the counter fiddling on my laptop. Syringas corral is only about 40' from the back door and I can always hear her munching her hay when the windows are open. It seemed like she was eating louder than usual, but I was absorbed in my task and didn't pay much attention for about 20 minutes.
I finally got off my stool and looked out the slider and there she was, grazing happily on the lawn just a few feet from the door. Yikes.
I tell my husband, Syringas loose! and stepped outside to catch her.
We were both on high alert, she had never been loose and unsupervised, (naturally!), and I half expected her to gallop off and take advantage of her freedom. I had just washed halters and leads and they were drying on the back of the patio chairs so I picked one up and casually walked towards her. She lifted her head to look at me,
and waited for me to stroke her before she dropped back to the grass.
I haltered her easy peasy and let her graze for another 5 minutes before putting her away.
I was impressed that finding her gate open she had opted for hanging out by the house instead of taking off. Of course the lawn is a great temptation, but it's nice to know she's so laid back and comfortable with hanging by the house.
I am ordinarily very careful about all the gates, all the time, but that night I had worked her in the roundpen and taken her out that gate and not latched it behind us. The roundpen and her corral share 3 fence panels, and I routinely open a panel up so she can move around in a bigger space. When I put her away I used her corral gate and didn't double check the other one.
She is such a sweetheart now, she can no longer be called wild. Of course she hasn't been "wild" for a long time now. I love that mare.