Take Our Jobs!


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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Ewwwwww......once more into breach I go my fiery friends. :fl

If one wants justice, one has to speak up. Ideally, that is how this country is supposed to work. Ideally speaking, the more people speak upthe more justice they will acquire. :barnie

My unpaid job is to inform those who are unable to peruse the over whelming amount of information out there and present news items of the day that are more factual and that absolutely do affect you and me.

Ta...da! :ya


Maybe you were unaware of this bill going through Congress. Well now here is an opportunity to do what you think is right or wrong with this legislation.

If we stand in one spot just complaining ....we will either rust or get moldy. I do not relish either one of these conditions. :weight Use it or lose it.


Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 11, 2010
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MO zone 5
I couldn't agree more. I'm all for LEGAL imigration but I feel that if you are here ILLEGALLY, you are no more than a thief and a crook, stealing things from citizens who need them. How many American children or elderly people go to bed hungry because we are giving benefits to illegal imigrants????


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Lots of Americans are isolated from what happens in the rest of the world. Where ELSE but America can people travel and not show a VISA or a Passport, and not be detained, or, worse.
I don't want us to treat people any better or worse that ALL of the other counties in the world treat us, when we're the visitors.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
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Fuquay, NC
I have read about this movement, been to the site and heard from legal immigrant supports.

If they want to stay and keep these jobs that we as americans don't want (though I am sure there are a few who would like to, most people who would take these jobs can't afford the internet to see the are available). I say, sure, file you are here for these jobs and get a temporary work visa, pay taxes, and then go home when you are tired of it!

Personally, I know a few over filled prisons that surely could lend a hand by putting those losers to work for even LESS then the illegal immigrants make. That way they can use the money to pay for the food they eat and the cells they stay in... and everyone is happy! :D


Garden Addicted
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Palm Desert CA
vfem said:
I have read about this movement, been to the site and heard from legal immigrant supports.

If they want to stay and keep these jobs that we as americans don't want (though I am sure there are a few who would like to, most people who would take these jobs can't afford the internet to see the are available). I say, sure, file you are here for these jobs and get a temporary work visa, pay taxes, and then go home when you are tired of it!

Personally, I know a few over filled prisons that surely could lend a hand by putting those losers to work for even LESS then the illegal immigrants make. That way they can use the money to pay for the food they eat and the cells they stay in... and everyone is happy! :D
At first blush that sounds like a good idea but I remember when chain gangs were hired out to farmers and contractors with the money supposedly sent to the state or county. In actuallity the money was usually divided between the Wardens and Sheriffs. It led to the arrest of anyone unable to fight back on bogus charges or no charges at all. Google some of the chain gang scandals to see what happened.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
hoodat said:
vfem said:
I have read about this movement, been to the site and heard from legal immigrant supports.

If they want to stay and keep these jobs that we as americans don't want (though I am sure there are a few who would like to, most people who would take these jobs can't afford the internet to see the are available). I say, sure, file you are here for these jobs and get a temporary work visa, pay taxes, and then go home when you are tired of it!

Personally, I know a few over filled prisons that surely could lend a hand by putting those losers to work for even LESS then the illegal immigrants make. That way they can use the money to pay for the food they eat and the cells they stay in... and everyone is happy! :D
At first blush that sounds like a good idea but I remember when chain gangs were hired out to farmers and contractors with the money supposedly sent to the state or county. In actuallity the money was usually divided between the Wardens and Sheriffs. It led to the arrest of anyone unable to fight back on bogus charges or no charges at all. Google some of the chain gang scandals to see what happened.
I think our system has changed enough that something so obvious would be able to be traced. I have no doubt about the corruptions that have happened. However, we all know how bad the prison system is lately... honestly, these people are living too well. We've made too many changes to make them comfortable!


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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Dear Friends:

There are many assumptions here. Let me clarify what I have discovered over the years.

First, this is a story about people who want the same things for their families that you and I do. They come to this country at great risk and sometimes lose of their lives doing it. They work hard and long hours under questionable conditions for a pittance. They then send this money home to their families. I call this heroic. For doing this people should not be unjustly treated or harmed.

Do not be duped by the labeling of drug running. The percentage of this is extremely low with people looking for a job and this issue is used as a distraction and it clouds the issue at hand. It is a divisive strategy, and it works.

However, the companies and corporations who knowingly hire people who are not correctly documented....these are the entities that should be prosecuted to the limits of the law. As for the people caught up in this situation, they are human beings and must be treated as such with dignity and respect. The world is watching us.

As for taxes, SSI, Medicare, State and Local taxes, all ARE taken from the paychecks of illegal immigrants. And they themselves are unable to ever collect the benefits of these taxes. A little, know fact is that they cannot or easily access public services. This is what most people like to call welfare. A misnomer if I ever heard it. :cool:



I feel that anyone that still pursues this line of thought after having more of the information availablethey just plainly hate people. It is one of my beliefs that hatred is not a family value.


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
Reaction score
Dear Hoodat:

Slavery is still alive and well in this country.



AS for prison labor....some of you may be wearing something made by an inmate....or if you travel....you may have talked to a prison inmate who took your reservation.

These are just two examples of how a legitimate job is being used to the advantage of a company NOT to pay a fair and living wage to one of us on the "outside". The world is still watching.


Deeply Rooted
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado Springs - Zone 4ish
Ignoring these issues will only lead to more ill-conceived laws like the one recently passed in Arizona (SB 1070), which supports racial profiling and is driving away much-needed farm laborers.
They may have a point about farm workers, but this line is a total lie. Not a difference of opinion, a complete lie.

Illegal immigrants are an easily exploitable underclass. By not having a guest worker program or a LEGAL way for these workers to do these jobs you are setting them up to be abused. If they are here illegally, they are no better than slaves. People who support illegal immigration are supporting slavery or a form of serfdom. Call it whatever you want, but this is how I see it.

If your business model relies on underpaying people, exploiting people, or otherwise taking advantage of people who have no legal recourse...well you suck and deserve to go out of business.

As for my experience with farm work, my brother and I worked at a ginseng farm when we were teens. That was back when children could actually work without 476 government agencies having a complete cow. We made $6/hour (in the late 70's) to pick the berries off the plants. Last time I looked around there were plenty of unemployed teenagers loitering around.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
I know these things to be true lady, but don't go thinking that all the illegals pay their taxes and don't collect help. Here in NC we have a childcare voucher program where a lady I know is head of the division. They have nearly 40% of their vouchers going to people with false SS numbers, people claiming to be making little to nothing as they work under the table and have no proof of income, and people who have 5-8 children and have unlimited resources handed to them.

I personally do not know the food stamp issue here other then I am on food stamps here, and food stamps have been cut $220 per household so more people can be on food stamps and get any assistance at all.

With all that out there this is what my state is doing. The money from the federal government to 'create new jobs' in each state, is being used here to LAY OFF the entire Voucher division of the assistance program, they have until the end of the year to move all their information to a privately hired company who will the voucher program on a swipable debit card. under contract it will cost the state about $12,000 LESS a year to run that then the current program. However, that is only according to the current 2 year contract they hold. On top of that, the state is laying off 212 works for this... while the company is only required to hire 50 employees to make it qualify for the federal grant money.

And the effects move on...

Next the SBI is investigating people obusing the 'system' of medicaid, food stamps, welfare and such in NC. They are looking for people who are using false information to receive benefits... and it goes on and on.

The problem is, these people are not documented. When crimes happen we have no one of knowing who and where they are. Just saying HEY, they went through a lot to get here and are trying to help their families is not enough. I'm struggling to help my family, and as I recall so did my great grandparents when they came here from Poland to escape Hitler! They became citizens when they decided to stay.

Now what I don't agree with is the grab and send them back method. They should be here on temporary work visa's requested by the companies. If they companies pay taxes on them, they should get benefits. If the companies don't do this, the companies should get a great big fine and maybe some serious other penalties. It is truly the companies who are being unfair causing so many issues! But the workers who are here to work, and for their families should be counted. That is going to separate them for the drug runners, the illegal gang members and the people who come here not wanting to follow our laws.

And for the inmate thing, again... THEY HAVE CUSHY JOBS! All the information I've found pretty much states they do data entry and paperwork filing. They do mostly government type positions for pretty fair pay. To me, THAT is taking American jobs we would gladly take rather then be on unemployment! These people are to be punished. They are being better educated in prison them people who can't afford school on the outside. We're treating these prisoners like the kids of today, the parents just let them do whatever they want because we don't punish wrong doing... a slap on the wrist!? PLEASE!!!

I also happen to know some people in Prison here, they don't do squat, they work out in weight rooms, watching TV and then sitting in their cells BORED. I think they would enjoy the labor. My own husband is a Felon, ended up doing 6 month of a 4 year sentence. He was lucky the man involved stepped up and asked he was released. But they never put him to work, wasn't an option. He did some stuff in the kitchen, but other then that he was offered classes, and he turned those down.

Our system is so screwed up because they keep SO much information from the American people. So corrupt people can keep taking advantage, and they just keep taking our taxes... and we keep paying and looking the other way.

I just want to say, I want to protect the people who come to us and ASK for protection and help. If people are scared, starved or lost in this world, we as a nation should help. But I can not say its ok for them to run to us, and hide under a bed so we do not know they are here. Damages have occurred because of that way of doing things. People who put your families in danger are coming here too.

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